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Tools of the Technician
Welcome (7:56)
Review the Basics (4:06)
The Road Ahead (and what you'll need to bring) (3:53)
The Toolbox: Technique vs. Performance (9:54)
The Craftsman: Craft vs. Artform (5:58)
Tabled Riffle Shuffling
Introduction to the King of Shuffles (2:38)
Riffle Shuffling: Things to Consider (10:39)
Riffle Shuffling: In Detail (10:47)
Essential Stock Controls (11:47)
Introduction to Riffle Stacking (10:46)
The Push-Through (12:26)
Application: The Triumph (13:44)
Tabled Palming Technique
Palming: Things to Consider (4:02)
The Classic Palm: Position (7:35)
The Classic Palm: Mechanics (8:27)
The Gamblers Palm: Position (3:40)
The Gambler's Palm: Mechanics (8:16)
The Lateral Palm: Position (5:15)
The Lateral Palm: Mechanics (7:17)
The Gambler's Cop: Position (4:30)
The Gambler's Cop: Mechanics (10:01)
Palm Replacements (7:26)
Bonus: Arthur Finley Shift (6:12)
Practice Patterns (2:37)
Tabled Faro Shuffling
The Tabled Faro Shuffle: Things to Consider (2:16)
On Cutting Halves (7:01)
Table Faro (Corner Knocking) (6:32)
Table Lifted Faro (6:40)
Application: The Perfect Deal (6:19)
Sleights, Gaffs and Their Many Uses
Sleights & Gaffs: Things to Consider (3:13)
The Pinky Count (9:05)
The Art of the Double (5:05)
Dropping the Double (2:51)
Steps and Alternative Breaks (5:02)
The Brief (6:15)
Peeking and its Methods (7:45)
The Art of Crimping (11:52)
The Short Corner (8:16)
Running Cut Control (6:17)
Application: Dead Cutting (3:18)
Bonus - Let's cool down with a bit of fun.
The Straight Ribbon Spread (6:42)
The Curved Ribbon Spread (4:47)
Flourishes with a Faro Shuffle (4:24)
Final Thoughts and Further Study
Where to go from Here... (2:30)
The Straight Ribbon Spread
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